Is Cladding Waterproof?
Our PVC Cladding products have a waterproof and weather resistant skin, therefore moisture cannot penetrate the core of the board. As long as the PVC cladding has been installed water-tight, it will provide a waterproof protective layer on your home/building. This also means that our PVC cladding will not rot and does not require the application of protective coatings to maintain its appearance and climate resistance.
External Waterproof Cladding
Our external cladding products are all waterproof an have been recognised by the A+ rating under the Code for Sustainable Homes. Not only do they provide a waterproof layer for your home, they also benefit the building's insulation properties and reduce thermal loss. We stock three different styles of external waterproof cladding, including Shiplap, V Joint and Weatherboard.
Internal Waterproof Cladding
We also stock a range of waterproof internal cladding options, including waterproof bathroom wall panels, shower panels, kitchen panels and ceiling panels. With a variety of decorative styles available, our internal cladding provides an attractive, low maintenance solution throughout your property. The mould resistance properties of our internal cladding also make it a very hygienic option.