Tree Root Protection

Rainsmart's Terravault is a modular cellular confinement crate system that protects tree roots from both vehiclular and foot traffic. This system allows for high quality root structure of new and existing trees to grow in a healthy and controlled environment.

The concept of trees being used in a street or carpark setting has grown in popularity within the last few decades. Whilst the trees look great, a frequent problem with this is that the pavement underneath features dips and cracks as the tree roots are growing upwards and fighting towards the sunlight.

An alternate problem; you may find the pavement intact, but the trees can no longer flourish as the roots haven’t got enough room to grow in the highly compacted ground. We have the perfect solution to help.

The Terravault is a modular unit that allows for the successful planting and growth of healthy trees within urban environments without impacting on the quality of roads and pavements as a result of uncontrolled root growth. The cellular confinement system guarantees protection for the roots of mature trees from vehicular and foot traffic.

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